Kraftwerk – Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 at MoMa

I read so many articles on Kraftwerks - Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 eight shows at MoMa in New York. I saw many videos. I heard rumours that those eight shows will be published on DVD. Reading and listening through all this I got a pretty familiar intention on what the shows where. So I tried to sum up the most interesting links, blogs and YouTube video from the show. Please set your speaker volume to the maximum and enjoy the music!

Day 1 - Autobahn

1 - Die Roboter

2 - Autobahn

2 - Autobahn

2 - Autobahn (long version from a distance)

2 - Autobahn (short version from stage)

3 - Kometenmelodie 1

3 - Kometenmelodie 1 (short version)

4 - Kometenmelodie 2

6 - Morgenspaziergang

11 - Nummern

Day 2 - Radioaktivität

2 - Radioaktivität

2 - Radioaktivität (version 2)

2 - Radioaktivität (version 3)

11 - Ohm Sweet Ohm

18 - Heimcomputer

Day 3 - Trans-Europa-Express

1 - Trans-Europa-Express

1 - Trans-Europa-Express (version 2)

3 - Europa Endlos

4 - Spiegelsaal

5 - Schaufensterpuppen

11 - Tour de France

Day 4 - Mensch-Maschine

1 - Mensch-Maschine

1 - Mensch-Maschine (version 2)

2 - Spacelab

2 - Spacelab

6 - Wir sind die Roboter

8 - Radioaktivität

Day 5 - Heimcomputer

2 - Computerwelt

2 - Computerwelt

4 - Computerliebe

5 - Heimcomputer

Day 6 - Techno Pop

1 - Boing Boom Tschak

1 - Boing Boom Tschak (short version)

3 - Musique Non Stop

3 - Musique Non Stop (version 2)

4 - Electric Cafe

4 - Electric Cafe

5 - Telefonanruf

Day 7 - The Mix

3 - Taschenrechner

13 - Expo 2000

15 - Boing Boom Tschak

Day 8 - Tour de France

1 - Tour de France

1 - Tour de France (version 2)


It's more fun to compute

::Joe provided me with a detailed set list. Since there is no official one I might trust Joe's one::
::Dan Fox from frieze is writing about getting (or not) a ticket for the shows. It's also a great article on the band, their music and their influences::
::I love BrooklyVegan's post because of the great photos:: 
::Max Dax aka V2 Schneider is writing from a more cynical perspective - Day 1:: ::read about Day 2:: Day 3 and Day 4

And last but not least, here is a full feature story by Mike Rubin from the Rolling Stone magazine on all eight days. Lots of background information and good pics.
Day 1 - Autobahn
Day 2 - Radioaktivität
Day 3 - Trans-Europa-Express
Day 4 - Mensch-Maschine
Day 5 - Computerwelt
Day 6 - Techno Pop
Day 7 - The Mix
Day 8 - Tour de France



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